Oh the waiting game! Our lives can often feel like one large, giant waiting room. We start life where there are so many things we just can’t wait to get started on: we can’t wait to grow up, get a drivers license, graduate high school, graduate university, settle down and meet someone special and get hitched. Then we can’t wait to have babies (those 9 months must take forever) then for our babies to be old enough to go to school. 

The list really could go on and on. It feels like as soon as I exit one waiting room I am then entering another. I just got married not even a year ago and now I’m in the waiting room waiting for the right time for us to start having babies (the baby fever comes and goes but I know our timing isn’t now). Even though we have control over some things, it is a lot like I’m sitting in a hospital without an appointment and you have no clue when your name will be called.
The biggest season in my life that I felt like I was waiting the longest was when I was single. I had dated before but not for three years before my husband asked me out. I felt like dating took a lot of energy and time I didn’t have and I was wanting to wait for someone who was worth it. Well, those three years felt like ten! I had no idea when an amazing guy would enter my life. I had all these hopes and dreams of things I wanted to do once I was married such as buy a house, get a dog, have babies, and have a positive impact on people around us. Now that I’m married I’m still waiting on a lot of these ambitions but have gathered some thoughts that have made the waiting game a bit easier:
1) Stop Wishing My Life Away: I heard someone say a few years ago that she was so excited for her 3 children to be old enough to go to school. She then had the realization one day while reflecting that she was not only wishing away her life, but her children’s as well. Hearing this was a big, large, elephant lesson for me. I was so excited for the next season that I was letting all of these important moments fly by. I was not savouring the friendships that were so easy because of my extra time nor was I even relishing the life of freedom of a lot less responsibilities. I then decided I wanted to treasure every moment and take it in because it’s so special and not take it for granted no matter what season I’m in.
2) Prepare, Prepare, Prepare: Right now I am not a mommy nor are we expecting but I know I have to start preparing now. How?? I am working on becoming more patient, quick to listen slow to speak, and soaking up all the wisdom from my mommy friends. If I wait till I’m in labor to decide what type of parent I want to be, let’s just say it won’t go well. It’s super important to stay in the moment while glancing to the future to anticipate what is next. Whether it’s a promotion at work, going from a single to married, or maybe even just extra life responsibilities it is time to prepare! Read books, ask questions, and grow.
3) Don’t Rush It: one of my favourite verses/quotes of all time is “Everything is beautiful in its time.” Sometimes there is literally nothing else to do but wait. I will embarrassingly admit for the whole world to see that two years before my husband asked me out on a date I had the biggest crush on him and told him I liked him one day after a group of our friends went to see a movie. He was flattered but was not interested (OUCH!). Two years later, he walked me to my car after church and told me he wanted to get to know me better. 4 months later we were engaged (don’t worry, we were friends for four years)! We both look back on the post movie situation and laugh but I truly believe in my heart that if we started dating then it would have ended in a breakup. I needed a few more years to grow and become who I am. I really believe that he came into my life at the absolute perfect time.
This waiting game has happened for me in my personal life, professional life, and spiritual life but I know if I’m patient, things will be better than I could have hoped or imagined.

13 thoughts

  1. This is a great little post! It’s so true in every season of life. Being content in all circumstances really does bring a richness to life- lets you soak up the goodness in each season. (I laughed at your short engagement– we did the same thing!)


  2. Ah yes, the waiting game. I loved your analogy of sitting in the waiting room waiting for an appointment you didn’t make. lol It makes me laugh because it’s so true sometimes! It takes effort to enjoy life AS IS. When I was a teenager I made the decision to enjoy my age I was at instead of obsessing about getting older or the “perfect age.” That mentality has stuck with me and I enjoy each birthday and all the aging that comes with it. But as far as life in general goes, I’m waiting for a lot of things. But instead, I should be enjoying my life. My home, my kids, my husband…


  3. I totally agree. We’re always in a hurry to get to the “good parts”. I’m definitely guilty of this. I’ve been with my husband since middle school, and as people around me started getting engaged or having babies (my little sister being one of them >.<) I'll admit it was hard for me sometimes. But I got pregnant at the perfect time. My husband and I got married at the perfect time. And each moment was so beautiful and special. Before our first daughter was born we promised each other to try and not say "I can't wait…". We promised to just live in every moment and enjoy every experience for what they were worth. I think having that mentality really helped us to get through some of those tough few months as you adjust to being parents. I definitely think you start to enjoy life more when you decide to just live. =]


  4. Oh my…. You just reminded me that I’m not just wishing ‘my’ life away but also my ‘children’s’. How often I wished my children would ‘grow up’ so that I can have my life back….is now beyond funny. It’s ridiculous when you put it in perspective. Love this post and thanks for the reminder! 👍


    1. Hi Josephine,

      Thank you so much for taking the time to read and respond! I find it humbling that we relate even though we are in slightly different seasons (I have no babes get). I’m sure I will have those moments too on trying days as a stay at home mom. Thank you for all your support 💜🌿

      Liked by 1 person

  5. What a wonderful post! This is so thoughtful and well written, but more so, it is true. I, too, have found myself rushing things at different points in my life only to find, down the road, I needed to enjoy where I was. As a mother of two 6th graders, I remember the days of wishing them this very age, and now I wish I would have enjoyed their younger years more. These days, I relish every day me and my husband have with them, the homeschooling days and long nights, and cherish all the laughter and joy they bring to our home.

    Thank you so much for sharing this! I love your blog, too!


    1. Hi Kiandra, thank you so much for reading and replying! It is humbling to have you relate to my experiences. You have definitely shown me the practical side of the motherhood treasuring! Thank gosh again for your support!


  6. This is great!
    Love that your writing is so casual. Makes it a lot more personal for your readers! 👍👍😊


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