16 thoughts

  1. Beautiful blog! Your such an amazing person deep down inside!
    Your heart is so passionate and you have a desire to make others happy! You went through a lot in the past and of course you have had your ups and downs but look how far you have gotten! Your life didn’t turn out the way you wanted it but everything happened when you wasn’t planning it! Everything happens for a reason! Keep staying strong your very blessed! God bless sweetie!!


  2. Hi! I’d love to connect. I am a fellow blogger and we commented back and forth on Instagram a while back. Please email me when you can at baukend.com 🙂


  3. Hi Gwen, . I just found your blog, how utterly cool!! . I don’t see a way to subscribe to this on my mobile, can u sign me up to receive your posts each day you write?


    1. Hi Tony, I actually have no idea how to sign someone up. However I know you can sign up for WordPress and subscribe to as many as you want! Or there might be a button somewhere! I apologize! I’ll try to be more educated!


  4. I’m not sure if my post went through. I wasnt logged on. So please can you help me get subscribed to your blog? I don’t see a way to do this on your site.

    Thanks Gwen!


  5. Silly, this is Beth, your new friend in email. I’m Tonys. Nug. (like in “tonys lady”, . Nug is a slang from the 1990s.


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